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Yesterday's Cre8 meeting: final construction phase begins!. Posted 3/7/2001

Yesterday's Cre8 meeting was again an extremely successful meeting with most of the goals set for the meeting met.

Amir Buksboum, head of the graphics team, finnished most of the graphics.

The Nahum Project is showing good progress as the first episode of the series is now almost completed and a script for more episodes was written by Nir Koblenc and Arik Liderman.

The articles are ready. Ben Menahem, Cre8's content editor will repair and check the articles as soon as possible. He is due to return from Eilat this Thursday.

With this good status report Cre8's CEO Arik Liderman announced that the final phase of the website construction has begun: "Today we finnished most of the website content and graphics. Now the final phase begins - the HTML construction"

The website construction team, led by Doron Ravid received the task of constructing the website.

An unfinished HTML version is due to be ready by the next Cre8 meeting which will be held this Thursday.

After the skeleton structure will be ready the content and graphics will be added and the website will be completely finnished.

The Cre8 announcement regarding it's website is now as close as ever and if the good progress continues expect the announcement within 1-2 weeks.

Be updated with ANN as the final phase of construrction has begun!

Final construction phase on the WWW project begins.

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