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Third Cre8 and friends bowling game + Arik breaks record. Posted 3/7/2001

Yesterday, Monday, Cre8 members and friends decided to go bowling after watching a DVD at Buxy's house.

Because Ben is in Eilat only the Racer was available and so Arik had to go twise to pick everyone up.

Lior Ziv, the bowling 'all-star' also didn't join us because he wasen't home until late.

The apsense of the best players - Ben and Ziva gave the others an opportunity to finish in the first place and show what they got!

The first game played was a regular game - everyone vs everyone and the highest score wins.

Itamar Berger aka Berger King and Dor Ben-Yossef aka Dor visited us and took the role of cheerleaders during our two games.

Itamar was hungry so he ordered a 'toast' and while eating cheered Arik.

Arik decided that if he will win in one of the games he will dedicate the victory to Itamar - the best cheerleader in town! :)

Itamar's cheers encouraged Arik to give everything he got in order to win.

Arik took the lead in the beginning of the first game but a come-back by Guy Fruchtman and Amir Buskboum took away his chances of a historical bowling game victory.

The first game battle was between Buxy and Fruchtman followed by Arik and Franky.

In the last round Fruchtman managed to secure the victory. Amir had a four point lead on Fruchtman but Fruchtman managed to take down 8 pins and secure the victory. Amir finished second and Arik and Franky shared the third place - both scoring 98 points.

Fruchtman scored 106-108 points. (finished first)

This was a good game for Arik - 7 points away from his record of 105 points.

In the second game we divided ourselves into two teams.

Fruchtman, Arik and Doron VS Buxy, Franky and Roy.

During all the periods of the game until the last round it was a breathless fight. A slim margin of 5 points seperated the two teams.

During the first half of the game Buxy and Franky exploded scoring spares and strikes all over the place.

Doron Ravid, amazingly managed to hold the first team in the game scoring strikes and matching Amir and Franky.

The not-so bald Luck king Guy Fruchtman had a fair game during the first half, outscoring Roy who had a bad game.

Arik Liderman had a poor first half. His shots went to the middle but amazingly he caulden't score a spare or a strike.

During the second half of the game Eyal and Amir weakened and the strikes / spares finished.

Doron continued his amazing game and managed to continue to even himself with Eyal and Amir!

The turning point of the game: Arik Liderman scores his first spare.

During the next round he scored 8 - doubling to 16 (spare) thus passing Roy and closing on Eyal and Amir.

Fruchtman impruved and closed on Eyal and Amir.

Doron continued his amazing game.

Itamar's cheers and Fruchtman's supply of luck paved the way for Arik's amazing bombardment.

Strike following by 9 pins down ended the game with a new Arik record of 113 points!

Fruchtman did a good job and passed Roy and Eyal.

Doron did the impossible and passed Roy and Eyal as well staying very close to Amir.

Amazingly, if this game was a everyone vs everyone match Arik would have won!

His 113 points were the highest score of the evening.

Second game ends with a victory for the first team!

Eyal 'Niva maniac' Frank took command of a Jeep in the video games area.

Finally, after 5 games, driving manually he managed to finnish in the first place!

After watching him drive - colliding with airplanes, killing innocent cows ANN issued The following warning : on August the 2 - STAY HOME!!

So what if it was only a video game?!

Amir and Doron played the 'Jurassic Park' game - a game which Amir played during our US visit with Andrew Cohen (Andy), who was a master in that game.

Fruchtman tried his luck in a 'new' soccer game from 1994.

He played aginst Holland with England.

Fruchtman played without knowing how the buttons work.

Amazingly, he managed to score the weirdest goal to the Holland net! What a Fruchtman! (the game finished with a final score of 1-1)

The evening ended at 2:30AM and Arik took everyone home.

The "Racer" had almost no fuel, but due to a certain objection by Arik to refuel they continued with almost no fuel. Luckily, the Racer managed to make it's way home.


Fruchtman told ANN: "Great games! Won the first, won the second, scored a goal in soccer I'M THE KING!!"

Fruchtman agreed with every word.

Doron told after the game: "What an amazing game! Itamar looked at me and I felt an amazing amount of good energy making it's way towards my body!"


Itamar added: "I paid 26 nis for this fucking toast!! Damn this game I'm suing this place!"

Fruchtman agreed with every word.

Faruk told after the game: "I can't wait! In one month I'll be like papa franky mama Franky and Gal Franky - The king of the road with my new Niva!!"

Fruchtman agreed with every word.

Amir told after the game: "Just wait! I'll return home and I'll post an article on my new website! hahahahahaha that's it I know what to write! I'll deny everything and blame you!"

Amir after speaking to ANN

Arik - A new record of 113 points!

Fruchtman - scored a goal to Holland's net?!

Eyal - one month and counting

Doron - after the second game

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