ANN 2001


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The Arik Network: ANN

Q&A with Amir Buksboum - UNAnn's webmaster. Posted 4/7/2001

Amir Buksboum, UNANN's webmaster and the man who claims that he is a wild-horse agreed to have an interview with an ANN reporter stationed regulary near his house.

"ANN: Hello Amir, we are very happy that you agreed to talk to us!

Amir: The pleasure is all mine! I read all your articles and I want to say that your the best!

ANN: Thank you very much Amir, but how can you say that we are the best if you run a competiting website?

Amir: What website? do I have a website? hmmmm OOOO! *hehehe* that one! I didn't touch it for years! No wounder I don't remember... I've neglected it!

ANN: It's good to know that you neglected your website, but it's suposed to be a competiting website!

Amir: So? I'll still claim that I'm better although I only update the website once a week... or once per three days.. everyone will belive me! trust me - the suckers continue to surft to my website although I haven't updated it for years!

ANN: Well it's very nice, but even if the people belive you how can you explain the massive differences between UNANN and ANN? I mean, ANN has all the writers and you are alone, ANN is updated every day and publish twise as much articles as you and even worse: ANN publishes news regarding events and other stuff and you only criticize ANN once in a while...

Amir: I wount escape from this question. My answer is simple but SMART: did you see the first line written in UNANN: "Note: This is Satiric site about ANN, helmed by Arik Liderman" well that's my answer! My website is better because it has no reall content! And I state it's a satiric site, so I don't have to update it with news, you see - UNAnn is the best!

ANN: of course, we have no doubt. What about your corrent status? ANN has received information that the experts you use in your articles are actually mental patients from Shalvata and worse: you interview them because you are a mental patient yourself and you sometimes go there when you have your wierd craziness attacks?

Amir: What?! are you crazy?! I'm fine! I'm fine I'm telling you!! *how did they find out?!* I just go there to vist my granny! *I know It must be my family* You see, ANN reports the most pathetic news... it's ridicules! *shoots his mother*

ANN: Amir? what are you doing?!

Amir: Nothing! I'm just a little bit mad about the fact that you report these ridicules news! *shoots his father*

ANN: We didn't know you had a license for a gun!?

*Polcie vehicles approaching*

Amir: What gun? what are you talking about!? I'm just having a little family fight!!! *continues to shot!* "

This was the part when the interview collapsed.

The Police managed to catch Amir and luckily his dog was saved.

Amir was taken to custody and continued to shout: "Goto UNANN and read the experts opinion about ANN!! You'll be hearing from us!"

Well, if we are right we haven't seen the last of him or UNANN. In a couple of days he'll be on lose again, where is the justice!?

Two days ago he was an alien, yesterday he was a wild horse and today we find out the reall sad truth...

Amir is now back with his friends in the Shalvata institue for mental care, planning his next moves against ANN.

We'll be waiting for his return.

Amir, in Shalvata.

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