The Arik Network: ANN
Arik Network
site updates: The People section. Posted 5/5/2001
The Arik Network - People section was updated and
new people were added to the list.
The People section includes the names and details
of people who wanted their name to be posted on the Arik Network.
On the People section you can find alot of details
about my friends, also you can contact them from there.
Adi Segal, Chen Goldberg Offer and Ariel Shoostak
and Itamar are the newest people added to the Arik Network.
You too, if your name is not listed on the People
section, and you want to be listed, e-mail
me a request and I will be happy to add your name to the people
To enter the people section: click
Logo of the People section.
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