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People in spot-light: Eyal Frank. Posted 5/5/2001

Eyal Frank, Cre8 Project-Cube team leader.

Faruk (Eyal's nick) is the only Cre8 member, who studies not in Herzliya.

Faruk studies in the democratic high-school in Hadera (northen Israeli city).

In the group, Faruk is the bravest person, and has more self-confidence that anyone else in the group.

We all appreciate him for his confidence, and he tries to teach us his ways.

Yes... Faruk is our Guro (corage and self confidence guro)

Faruk is an amazing person, and he follows his belives.

He is a vegetarian, and a nature boy. He belives in what he is doing, and this is why we all respect him very much. Like another person I know, he follows his believes, and defendes them when needed. Most of the people just say they belive in something and when you test their believes or someone attacks their believes they remain silent. There are very few people like Faruk. Faruk will stand by his believes no matter the situation.

Faruk is also one of the heads of the primitive Tzophim tribe in Herzliya.

Faruk spends alot of his time in the Tzophim, and he belives in what he is doing.

Faruk is a great friend, a friend which everyone wish they had.

He will always help you when needed, and when there is a problem (especially a love problem) he will always support you and try to inspire you to do something about it.

Faruk is also known for his great ideas. In Cre8, for example, most of our ideas and projects were Faruk's ideas.

Faruk is the man behind Project-Cube, it was his idea, and he is pushing it forward.

Ben Menahem told ANN: "I will pay you 100nis, if you will go to your sister and say: Haverim sheli itarvu iti..."

Amir Buksboum told ANN: "Faruk, I love you!"

Fruchtman agreed with every word.

Faruk told ANN: "It's a great site! I love it! And about Project-Cube... I know you want to give me the credit, but we all know your the person which is pushing Project-Cube forward and the credit is yours. Now Tavi Li et teudat ha zehut shelha, kedey she ani ershom leha paamaim Gever Gever!"

Faruk is a great friend, and I am very happy to have the fortune to be his friend.

A sketch of Faruk after eating alot of vegetables.

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