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Arik Network
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The Arik Network: ANN

ANN's popularity spawns yet another reporting website!. Posted 8/7/2001

ANN's popularity has spawned yet another reporting website.

This time ANN's reporting abilities were used but their perpuse was changed.

This new website reports information about websites and other stuff on the web which are hard to find.

Eyal Frank aka Franky is the author and webmaster of this new website.

The Arik Network wishes this new website the best luck, and hopes that this website will perform alot better then 'UNANN' which was shut-down four days after it's creation.

Corrently there is minimum information on this website, and most of it's sections are still off-line.

ANN will track this new website and bring you more information about it when it's sections will be on-line.

Good luck!

Franky - from today on the web!

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