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The Arik Network: ANN

In spot-light: Lior Ziv. Posted 9/5/2001

Lior Ziv the funniest guy on earth!

Lior is the funniest guy I have ever met: jokes jokes and jokes all day long.

Lior, or as we like to call him Ziva (or Chipipo) will never quit. No matter the situation, how hard touch or unbelievable it is, he will never quit. Ziva will continue to fight untill the other side will surrender.

Ziva is not a Cre8 member. Ziva studies in the "National" Yud-Alef 4 class.

Ziva's favourite activity is to fight with his sister (his sister is very famous in Cre8, thanks to him =)).

Ziva is a great friend. A funny, nice and inelegant friend. I can't find a person (maby only his sister) who hates Ziva.

Usually we offend each other with silly jokes. We understand it's not serious, and that we never really mean what we say. It's all part of the game :)

During our weekly soccer games Ziva and Roy usually play on the same team against me (Arik) and Ben.

Usually we win these games, withought any problem but sometimes they give us a good fight.

Ziva likes to play soccer, to watch a good DVD, to go to movies and to have fun!

Ziva also likes to play DND and cool computer games, he always playes the bad guy :).

School is not Ziva's strong side (and I can't really blame him for that) although, when he is serious he gets high grades.

Ziva is a huge WeirdAl fan. He got over 150 songs...

And now for some serious details:


Ziva adores She-Ra and he is a little sissy girl.

Ziva cries all the time during sad movies, he even cried during Pokemon!!

Ziva has a strange appeal for banana's.

Ziva also loves to watch nature programs on the discovery channel.

Ziva's real name is not Lior, his real name is Chipipo.

Some people say that he's a monkey, but not us.

Arik told ANN: "Aha Ziva let's see you match this! I am the cool webmaster and your not! nanana banana! nanana banana! hehehehe"

Ben told ANN: "What kind of sickos are you? Fruchtman cut that nonsense, you emberace yourself, and Cre8.!!! OK, enough with that shit, who wants to come to my LOVE SHACK? Amir - I Love you, but i will agree to have sex with you only if Choop wants to join, and if not, I'm willing to trade him for Aviva Shulman. P.S. Eyal, you stink, you talk like a girl, damn Ashkenazi. Lior - you're name is still a chick's name."

Amir told ANN: "Hehe... Well sorry to let u down Fruchtman, But i already have my heart set on Ben. So if u read this Ben, I just want you to know that: I want you! Lets get busy,hot stuff ^^"

When asked how this comment connects to Ziva, Amir answered: "Oh Ziva! Ziva! I love him too! Call me Ziva!"

Eyal told ANN: "I'm the coolest guy on earth, and your not! I go to the Tzophim and your not! I'm a real man and your not!"

Fruchtman told ANN: "I'm now famous, I don't have to comment to ANN. Eveyone love me - I'm pupular! Hi Ronnen how are you?!"

Because ANN is not one-sided ANN has agreed to publish Ziva's comments too:

"I think that Arik should be ashamed with himself"

"He calls me a monkey?! who's a monkey?!"

"I'm a monkey?! what?! I'm a monkey?!"

"are you sure?!"


"damn he was right I am a monkey!"


As I already mentioned, all of the above is not serious in any way. Ziva is a great friend and person.

I would like to thank Ziva for tolerating me. Thanks Ziva, your the man!

The next spot-light will be on Nir Koblenc.

I was asked by Ziva not to publish his picture, insted here is my amazing sketch:

The amazing sketch.

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