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Today's news: Chen is back from the Nederlands, Cre8 on delay. Posted 10/4/2001

Chen Goldberg is back from the Nederlands (Holand) after a one week visit. Like Nir and Amir, he is returning to a harsh reality, as the "mini" war between us and the Palestinian terrorists continues.

No major progress was made during the last Cre8 meeting - which was supposed to be major. Only minor Flash progress was made by Amir Buksboum who is the head of the Graphiks team.

Amir told ANN: "It's not a big progress, but it's very important"

The tests period is coming up soon, so Cre8 members will have to start to study as well...

During this 2 month period Cre8 is almost "asleep" and no reall progress during this period is made.

Cre8 CEO Arik Liderman told ANN: "This year the tests period will not shut-down Cre8. We have an important project to work on - Project - Cube, we can't and we wount neglect it"

Although Cre8 will be "asleep" it seems that Project - Cube wount be neglected after all.

Cre8 members agreed with Cre8 CEO Arik Liderman on that.

Eyal Frank, head of Project - Cube told ANN: "We all understand the importance of Project-Cube, we wount neglect it"


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