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Weekly soccer game: amazing victory - Fruchtman = Ronaldo. Posted 11/5/2001

The main weekly soccer game ended with a landslide victory for Arik and Ben's team and with one amazing goal by Frcuhtman.

The final score was 13-5 to Arik and Ben's team.

Fruchtman's goal was the most amazing goal evert scored: An amazing 'vole' kick directly to the left corner.

The pre-game (another game played before the main one) ended with a 3-2 victory to Ben's team against Arik's team.

On Arik's team played Nadav and Buksy and on Ben's team played Doron and Fruchtman.

The socre was 3-0 until Arik's team begun to play seriously and manged to score two goals, but then amazingly Ben's team decided to quit.


As reported the final score of the MAIN game was 13-5 to Arik and Ben's team vs Roy and Ziva's team.

On Arik and Ben's team played Fruchtman and Nadav and on Roy and Ziva's team played Doron and Buksy.

Ben told ANN: "Last time I said we always collapse during the last 20 minutes... well, today we played the best game ever! There wasn't a single second where we thought we are going to lose. The game was ours from the beginning!"

Fruchtman told ANN: "If you won't report my amazing goal on ANN I will kill you! You hear me I will kill you! I'm changing my name to Ronaldo, from now on call me: Guy 'Ronaldo' Fruchtman"

Ziva's tricks didn't work this time and on each ocassion he was stopped by Arik.

Amir replying for his team told ANN: "Shit"

Ziva told ANN: "Arik is just to good for me... I caulden't do anything, he is simply the best player on the team!"

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