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People in spot-light: Nir Koblenc. Posted 11/5/2001

Nir Koblenc, Cre8 member and former CEO.

Nir is one of my best and oldest friends. I know him almost all my life - more than 12 years.

During all these years we kept being close friends no matter where we studied (different schools).

Most connections break when friends go to different schools, but on our case we never stopped being good friends.

Nir is the most intelligent and nice person I ever met.

He never in his whole life did something to hurt someone.

Nir is the most friendly human being on earth.

Only the ones who know him as good as do can understand how lucky they are to know him and to be his friends.

Nir is a very shy and quiet person. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' is maby the thing to say about him.

School is Nir's most important priority.

Sometimes Nir over-studies and me, and all his friends try to teach him to find the right proportion between studying and having fun, because soon we will be older and have family and work, now is the time to have fun, to enjoy life because we will be young only once.

School is the most important thing, because it gives us education and the tools to be successful in the future, but to have fun, meet new people and enjoy these times is not less imortant and we shouldn't neglect it. That's what I'm trying to tell Nir all the time.

Nir is one of the smartest people in our school and his grades are always high. Nir, when needed or asked always helps other people, not only in school but outside school as well.

Nir will always be there to help you, you just have to call and ask and he'll be there.

Nir was the Cre8 CEO once.

Today he is an important and ireplacable Cre8 member.

Currently, Nir is the head of the Nahum Project. (Details can't be revealed right now)

Nir is also our founding father, he was the first to discover the potential of the computer (1994 - Mega and Control) and as soon as I noticed it I joined too.

Arik told ANN: "Nir, if you read this: use every second of these times, when we are young. Soon it will all over. Study hard but don't ecsadurate."

A sketch of Nir.

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