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In spot-light: my parrot. Posted 14/6/2001

My parrot is the smartest perot around!

My parrot speaks two languages (!) (Hebrew and Russian)

He can curse in Hebrew and talk in Russian or the other way around!

I bet that he's smarter then a fully machured Chipipo!


My parrot's name is Pashosh, a name which symbolizes his color: yellow.

Once upon a time he was called 'Bibi' but I had to change his name due to some opposition from certain family members... (my mother)

When my mother decides on something there's no point arguing about it.

Pashosh is a free bird and we usually release him to fly in the house during the evening.

Pashosh returns by himself to his home when he is hungry or when he or we want to go to sleep.

Pashosh is an Israeli parrot and a true Zionist, born in a Kibutz.

We took him from the Kibutz when he was one month old and since then, for more then a year now he lives with us and we love him :)

Picture of a parrot. This is not Pashosh.

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