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Cre8 CEO Nir Koblenc resigns, elections to be held next friday. Posted 16/3/2001

Here is the summary of todays important Cre8 meeting.

Cre8 CEO Nir Koblenc announced that he resigns.

Cre8 CEO Nir Koblenc told ANN that he had great planes for the next year, but closing elections, and the hard work at school forced him to resign.

Cre8 members also desided to move the Pesah elections date to next friday (21/3/2001) because Nir resigned and the pesah data would be a week or two after the 21/3/2001 elections, Cre8 members desided to make one date - one major elections for this year.

Next elections will be held next pesah (2002).

Nir will continue to be CEO untill next friday, when a new CEO will be elected.

Today it looks like two members will run for CEO:

Former Cre8 CEO Arik Liderman (today deputy CEO) and Cre8 member Ben Menahem.

Arik Liderman told ANN that he is certian Cre8 members will make the right choice, and elect the best man for the job. "I am sure that I will win, because i'm the best choice". Arik also opened an elections website:

Ben Menahem told ANN that he thinks he will be able to convince Cre8 members to vote for him "I will be able to succeed where Arik have failed".

ANN will continue to coverage the Cre8 elections, stay tuned!

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