The Arik Network: ANN
Cre8 elections
- A close battle. Posted 20/3/2001
3 days to go untill the vote.
Right now it's hard to tell who will win these elections.
The last polls suggest a close call between the two contesters.
Today's polls suggest a 2-2 voting resoult - with three members
who haven't desided.
These elections will be the closest elections so far.
Arik told ANN that he will do everything to become the CEO - "I
belive that i'm the right man for the job, and I also belive that
Cre8 members will make the right choice between me and ben, because
they know us both"
Ben told ANN that "Arik and I share the same vision, but it's
the way that matters. I belive that my way is the right way for
Cre8 - stop concentrating on our site and moving forward to other
areas. I belive that I will be able to win the elections"