The Arik Network: ANN
Suicide bomber
explodes in bus number 29 - near Herzliya, everyone are okey. Posted
A sucide bomber exploded 30 minutes after we arrived to school.
For those who don't know, we use the 29 bus on a daily basis, going
to school with it, and coming back home with it.
The bus exploded on it's way to Herzliya.
Adi Segal, one of my friends, took the bus, the same one which
exploded, and left it 30 minutes before the blast. I myslef almost
took the bus, but at the end desided to take the school bus.
When the news reached school everyone were in shock. It exploded
close to home, close to us, and anyone cauld have been on that bus.
Two people were killed, and one teenage boy was criticly injured.
He studies in a near-by high - school.
We didn't belive it cauld get so close to us, and we were wrong.
The Palestinian terrorists target innocent civilians, in mass suicde
attacks and mortar attacks on Israeli cities. When the IDF responds
and attacks Palestinian POLICE targets (which without any doubt
released the terrorists and support them) and TERROR facilities
late at night, everyone criticize Israel.
We all hope that the IDF will use it's full force and ensure the
safety of the citizens of Israel, and Jews around the world.
We will never surrender to terror.