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Arik announced his new plan during today's Cre8 meeting. Posted 24/3/2001

Cre8 CEO Arik Liderman announced today his new plan for success. Today was Arik's first Cre8 meeting since he was elected during the Pesah elections (23/3/2001). Arik told ANN: "I belive it's a good plan, I think it'll work". Cre8 didn't give a permision to reveal the details of the plan.

During today's meeting Cre8 CEO Arik Liderman also announced who will be the new deputy CEO and other new jobs:

Ben Menahem is the new Deputy CEO.

Nir Koblenc is the money keeper (Gizbar)

Amir Buksboum is the head of the Graphics team

Nir Koblenc is the head of the Content team

Eyal Frank is the head of Project-Cube (cannot be revealed)

Doron Ravid is the head of the Design and Building team.

Next Cre8 meeting is sheduled for School break - Monday 26/3/2001.




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