The Arik Network: ANN
The Arik Network
strongly condemns... Posted 28/6/2001
Yesterday a new website was dicovered.
To our amazement it looked the same as ANN and furthermore
most of it's links led back to the Arik Network sections(!)
The website which brought you more then 300 articles
in 3 month,
The website which brought you new reporters,
The website which brought you the Forum,
The website which brought you People spot-lights,
The website which brought you the Kiki special,
The website which brought you the Tashdirim and the
'Yaron' song,
The website which brought you The Mabed Project,
The website which brought you the Webmaster section,
The website which brought you the Arik personal section
(Israel news / War in the ME ...),
The website which brought StarTrek time and the StarTrek
The website which brought you the People section,
The website which brought you free E-mail service
And alot more, (see
site map)
now has a cheap imitation.
Not only that this new webiste imitates only one section
out of the 70+MB Arik Network,
it uses the same HTML code and design as the original
ANN, Forthermore it claims to report 'objective' news - a claim
which will soon become false and terribly un-true and in addition
most of it's links lead to the original ANN!
The Arik Network creator and webmaster Arik Liderman
published the following statement:
"The Arik Network strongly condemns this new
website for stealing the HTML code and design of the Arik Network.
The Arik Network strongly condemns this new website
for making it look like the real ANN and giving links which lead
back to the original ANN and Arik Network.
The Arik Network strongly denies claims made by the
new website which calls the ANN as a 'subjective news source'. MOST
of ANN's 100+ articles report reall and objective news and brings
the surfers accurate, up-to date and true information. ANN surfers
are welcomed to visit the 'Old news' section
to see with their own eyes the truth.
furthermore and most important:
The Arik Network claims and will pruve via it's next
articles that the other website brings ONLY subjective and false
news regarding ANN and Cre8 members and friends DESPITE it's main
claim and the reason for it's opening which states that the news
are objective.
For conclusion The Arik Network sees this webiste
as not-serious as false and as an unreliable and cheap source for
up-to date information.
Nevertheless The Arik Netowrk will increase it's working
speed and will bring you more new exciting and intresting sections
and of-course more articles covering all impotant daily issues.
ANN remains the only up-to date and reliable source
for scheduled and important events information (Cre8, friends etc).
More then two years have passed since I had a reall
Mabed, my finest progrem won it's main rival.
I am ready for a new compotition as un-even and one-sided
as it is now, I will still take this new website seriously and continue
to impruve my ever growing Network.
Enjoy your stay :)
Buxy - your going down! I'll bring you down baby!!
To Amir, from Arik in love :)
The Arik Network - 75MB and growing!
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