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Today's Cre8 meeting: Progress on Project-Cube and Magen news. Posted 29/4/2001

Today, a Cre8 meeting was held at Faruk's house.

Again, progress was made on Project - Cube, and slowly the Project closes to it's most important part - the two other green lights.

Cre8 CEO Arik Liderman told ANN: "Progress after progress... progress after progress... we will soon get to the final stages, the hard work is worth it"

All Cre8 members agreed to continue the hard work on Project - Cube, and also stated that Arik is doing a great job, and he is the man behind Project-Cube.

Doron Ravid, HTML team leader told ANN: "It's a hard work... but at the end I hope it'll be worth it"

Work on the Cre8 website is also being made, and new articles should be ready by next Sunday.

Next Cre8 meeting is scheduled for next Friday.

In other news:

My Magen exam:

The test went pretty well, but I really don't know how good it was.

It can be very good, can be fair, and can be even bad.

I hope for the best.

Results should be given next week (but if I know my teacher, we will have to wait alot longer)


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