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Cre8: Project Cube taking a step forward. Posted 31/3/2001

And now for some Cre8 news:

During the first three days of the Pesah vacation there were 3 Cre8 meetings.

Slow progress was made on all issues, mostly on Project-Cube.

Graphics team leader Amir Buksboum and Content team leader Nir Koblenc are in Poland, and it's very hard to make any real progress on our website.

Cre8 CEO Arik Liderman told ANN: "Amir and Nir will come back soon, then we will be able to advance in our website. meanwhile, we have to continue to work on Porject-Cube"

Eyal Frank is organizing Project Cube.

Next Cre8 meeting is sheduled for Monday.

Cre8 CEO Arik Liderman told ANN: "The Monday meeting will be a Solo - Project Cube meeting, and I want real progress".


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