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The Cre8 Genearion 1999-2001

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My best program: Mabed!

Mabed started it's way in 1997, as a simple Dos based Batch editor, and soon  it became the best Windows98 Batch/Qbasic/Html/C++/Text editor ever made! (by me and by Cre8) In 3.5 years Mabed had 10 different versions, from Mabed to Mabed2000: Mabed,Mabed2,Mabed3,Mabed4/B,Mabed5B/C,Mabed6,Mabed1.00,Mabed98,Mabed99 & Mabed2000.

Click here to enter The Mabed Project website

The ANG Project - The project of Nof-Jam

ANG was THE GAME of Nof-Jam (my old school), at least 100 people saw ANG! And our teacher took our class to play ANG whenever a new version came out. ANG helped us learn in fun! ANG had 5 versions, and it ended in 1996. The best ANG version was ANG-4 Nahum, many people loved it! It was a great game! jokes, advantures, school, and much much more in one game! Nahum took contol of Earth! A bonus ANG version was created in 1997, but it was for a birthday.

ANG was created by: Nir Koblenc and Arik Liderman 1995-1996

Rex-Disco - first made by Nir Koblenc, then I  took over. Rex-Disco is a music program which started it's way in Dos, and after 3 years made it's way to Windows, and became a part of the Mabed Project! Rex-Disco2000.2 is the newest version added to Mabed2000 1.00.B it has a brand new MP3 Player!  
Click here to visit Mabed
Rex Disco - 1995 -1996 Nir Koblenc, 1996 - 1999 Arik Liderman.

The Question - Huge project! more then 45 trivia questions, 3 levels! The Monster is here... you have to beat her and send her to hell... can you do it? all you need is a brain... Made in 1995 by Nir Koblenc, Arik Liderman and Lorin Helpert.

ANTI - My AntiVirus for my own Batch made "bugs" 1996 - 1997. + Bonus test version at 1999 against NetBus.

ANTI 1995-1999 Made by Arik Liderman.

ANMEN - My "Dos" program - 1997.

Made in 1997 by Arik Liderman.

And many more small programs I helped to make. 

Old "Componies"

The Anly Corporation © 1995 - 1999 

Yes Anly, the compony which made Mabed and DRedit and many other projects. Anly was the biggest compony we ever started.  at that time We didn't want to earn money, just to create stuff which help people. Anly had the biggest number of members, from the old Nof-Jam school to the Juniur High - Smadar. By our orders, very close to the end of Smadar, we desided to create a new compony called CRE8. We did it because we thought the time has come to try and earn money, and stop doing Computer progarms that we can't sell. By these orders we ended the DRedit Project, and soon after The Mabed project has come to an end as well. We desided to go to the Internet and build our own website. For that perpuse we desided to add new members and to cancel old projects (Mabed & DRedit) and concentrate on the main project - our website. So from 30.6.1999 The ANLY Corporation has come to an end. All ANLY members from 1995 - 1999: 

Arik Liderman 1995 - 1999, Nir Koblenc 1995 -1999, Yony Bresler 1995 - 1999, Doron Ravid 1997 - 1999, Roy Offer 1997, 1998 - 1999, Lorin Helpert 1995 - 1997, 1998, Assaf Segal 1995-1996, Eyal Frank 1999, Amir Buksboum 1999, Ben Goldman 1999, Ben Menahem 1995, 1998, Simon Vitman 1995, Yogev Baram 1995.

ANLY Projects: ANTI, The Pack 1997', Utils, The Mabed Project, The DRedit Project, ANS, ANMEN, DRutils, Defender, Rex - Disco and more!!!

The End of ANLY, is a new begining, the begining of 2000...
 The ALNIR Corporation 1995 - ANG and The Q

After Mega-Control colapsed, Me and Nir desided to work together, and we begun to make games for Nof-Jam -  Everybody loved them and played with them. We made the ANG Project and The Question. At the end of 1995 people wanted to join us, MANY people, so we desided to create a new compony or: Sani. Sany held for 2 month, untill Assaf wanted to get out, so we took Ben Menahem and made Bani, but like Assaf after another 1.5 month Ben wanted to quit, and then as you all know came ANLY.

Mega-Control - I joined Mega-Control in 1994, our first compony, in this compony we begun our "long" history... our first games: BrusLee, Animation.... we entered the computer age... Mega was created by Nir Koblenc and Control by Lorin Helpert, and when they met each other they united to form Mega-Control,. When I first saw what they're doing with the computers I startred to get intrested.... and then the story begun...



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Created by: Arik Liderman.


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