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The Arik Network was created in 1999 by me, Arik Liderman. The Arik Network was one of my personal projects.

The Arik Netwok begun it's way as a small personal website but as time passed more and more new sections were created and the little personal website became a huge network filled with all my Internet and computer projects made over the years.

The Arik Network came to an end (I stopped updating) 6/7/2002. All the archives of the network and all the sections remained open.

In The Arik Network you can find out more about me, download my Personal stuff, You can also find out how to become a webmaster in minutes and earn money, download my free HTML/Batch/Qbasic editor or visit my Cool and Funny section.

Click here to read what's new and updated

Click here for Site map

Click here to read more about me

Click here for my personal photo album

Click here to read the history of my work


© 1999 - 2002 The Arik Network, All Rights Reserved.
Created by: Arik Liderman.