The Arik Network: ANN
People in spot-light:
Ben Menahem. Posted 3/5/2001
Ben Menham, Cre8 deputy CEO (and Opposition leader)
Ben is a very very funny person, we all have a good
sense of humor, but he has the best (in my opinion)
Ben's favourite activity is to answer others phone
calls. When others answer, he likes to shout funny things in the
background, for example: "put your pants on Fruchtman!"
"That's not the way to speak to your mother" and other
In Cre8, Ben is the Deputy CEO, but because it's a
job without any real content, he decided to become the Opposition
In this job he is very good, and evry meeting he calls
for a non-confidence vote against the best CEO of Cre8: Arik Liderman.
We can guess that because he lost the elections to
Arik, he never overcame the defeat.
Ben: "Ok that's it, I say fire Arik"
Arik "No! Ben cut the crap!"
Ben "But Arik..."
Arik "I said no!"
Ben "Wheehehehehehehehe (cries)"
And now for some serious information:
Ben studies in the Yud-Alef 4 class.
He studies science computers and robotics. He is a
very smart person, and he's grades are very high.
He likes to go to parties, to go to the beach, to
play soccer, and to take the "Racer" to long rides.
Ben has a drivig license, and soon he will be able
to replace the aging "Racer" and it's old driver: Arik.
Arik and Ben usually go to the beach at least once
a week.
Their favourite activity there is to sit and do nothing
(and to watch the girls).
In our weekly soccer games, Ben and Arik always play
on the same team.
Arik told ANN: "I know Ben for about 12 years
now..." "He is a good friend, everyone should want a friend
like him. He will always help you when you need it, he will always
be there for you"
Ben told ANN: "I think site this have bad english
and the creator of site should work on her english kvolity"
Ben and Arik know each other for 12 years, and untill
today they are best friends.
Visit Ben's
page on the Arik Network
Ben is a special person, one in a million. :)
A sketch of Ben on the beach.