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The Team - Cre8

Arik Liderman

Arik was the main founder of the Cre8 corporation. It was he's idea to change ANLY's (our old compony) perpuse from building personal stuff to earning money. Arik constructed the base Cre8 agreement on which it was formed. Arik also recruited Eyal Frank who brought Amir Buksboum. Arik was Cre8's CEO for almost two years and was the organizer of almost every singe Cre8 meeting.

Doron Ravid

In Cre8 we called him "THE BRAIN". Doron was Cre8's main webmaster. Doron also constructed the Cre8 website. Doron's hard efforts paved the way to the successful completion of the Cre8 website.

Amir Buksboum

Amir was Cre8's design and graphics man. All the graphics during Cre8's time were made by him. many graphics on this website are also made by him. Amir always completed the work on time and some times even sooner.

Roy Offer

Roy helped Doron to construct the Cre8 website and also was elected to be the site's editor after Ben left. He's vast HTML knowlage helped us alot along the way.

Eyal Frank

Eyal Frank orgenized all the special projects in Cre8. He was the head of Project-Cube which included a Nalan games Con and Beta Team. Eyal brought up alot of new and intresting ideas along the way.

Yony Bresler

Yony Bresler and Eyal Frank brought up alot of good and intresting ideas. Yony was very active in Cre8 and among his works were the HTML course, Server work and HTML construction, especially Hebrew work. Yony left Israel during the summer of 2000 but nevertheless remained a full Cre8 member until the end.

Nir Koblenc

I guess we can call him our founding father. We also can call him our "black" worker. When there was a very big work, he always tooks it on him. Nir was the hard working man of Cre8. His biggest project was the Flash Nahum! series in the Cre8 website. Nir was also elected as CEO for a brief period of time.

Ben Menahem

Ben joined Cre8 during the summer of 2000 right after Yony left. Ben was our best writer and wrote the main articles to the Cre8 website. Ben was also the editor of the website. Ben left Cre8 in summer of 2001, one month before the end of Cre8.

Ben Goldman

The first Cre8 CEO elected in the first Cre8 elections in 1999. Ben was very active in the forming of Cre8 and during it's earliest days. Ben left Cre8 two month after it begun it's work due to problems with the other Cre8 members.


End is a new Begining.

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