The Arik Network: ANN
New logo, car
search and more! - Personal news round-up. Posted 2/2/2002
A new month have begun and the clock continues to
tick as the final 2 month of school are about to begin.
What has changed during the last couple of days? and
what is up next? - ANN will try to answer.
* Mazal Tov! After more then a year of service it's
time to change the Arik Network main logo!
The old logo served the Network well.
The logo was created for the Arik Network by Amir
Buksboum about a year ago.
Today, after more then a year I decided to introduce
a new logo for The Arik Network.
The new logo will bring a fresh new look to the Arik
Network and will be the main symbol of the Arik Network in the future.
Good bye old logo! - we will miss you :)
The old logo says farewell..
The new Arik Network logo!! - Welcome!!
* Tommorow me and my mother will begin the long-awaited
search for a new car.
Tommorow we will begin scouting around (Herzliya,
Raanana, Tel-Aviv) for the new 'Racer Turbo'.
Hopefuly we will be able to find the best car at the
best price and as soon as possible!
(Serach update) Corrently the Opel Corsa takes the
1st place in the search list. The Rover 216 model closely follows
in behind and at this early stage everything is still possible.
* On Sunday the big 3vs3 basketball tournament will
Belive it or not, we have a team!
The "Kirkas Mederano" team headed by coach
Vladimir Koblenc (Nir) consists of four players: Arik, Shoostak,
Itamar and coach Nir.
We represent the small people!
The other teams consist of huge players (1.90mr tall)
and the top of the line players our school can offer.
We are the only team who plays for 'fun', and we are
far inferior to the other teams, but heck, we are going to try and
win anyway!
We are going to win using our superior team play!
We will play against one of the strongest teams in
the league: The Yud-Alef sports class team.
We are hoping for alot of luck and for the best game
ever we can play.
Good luck!!!!
* Franky is on another trip with the Tzophim: this
time to mount Hermon.
Franky will return tommorow, whiter then ever :)
* Boxy is working today (Friday) in the Daniel cinema.
He hopes to buy a new Mp3 player with the money he
will earn.
ANN has also learned that Amir's father (The legendary
Hezy) is considering buying a new car, and what a car! - Pegeout
* Adi's (Samech's) beloved dog, Whitey has been lost.
For more then 3 days now there has been no word about her fate.
We hope and pray that she will be found.
* Chen, me and Ziva are continuing to go to the gym.
Tommorow we are planning to go again. We are going to be strong!
- Buga Buga!
* During the last Techem class Itamar did the impossible
and stood against Yaron!
Yaron told Itamar and Elad not to return to class
until they give him their cellular phones (They 'disturbed' class).
Itamar didn't agree to give Yaron his phone and stood bravely and
didn't go out from class.
Yaron shouted and shouted but Itamar didn't move and
simple ignored Yaron.
On Monday, Itamar and his father will return to teach
Yaron a lesson!
* Fruchtman, if you are reading this (and you are
:) ) - start driving!!
You need a license!!
Opel Corsa, the leading car.
The Basketball tournament begins on Sunday, good luck
to our brave team!
Itamar in a deadly Mortal-Combat with Yaron.
News round-up of the last couple of days.
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