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Copyrights © 2001-2002
Arik Network
All Right Reserved 

Underground Arik News Network (UNANN)

Note: UNAnn went off-line and is no longer available. Most of the following articles were written when UNAnn was on-line.

" UNAnn is a satiric website created by Amir Buksboum.

UNAnn reports satiric news regarding ANN's published articles. ANN reports the news and UNAnn criticizes some of them.

Although it's a sort of a competition between me and UNAnn I find the UNAnn articles funny and amuzing.

This section is also ment for those who don't know us and think that this is some sort of a batte and hate between the two websites (and people).

Me and Amir are good friends and Amir's website is a simple satiric website and not a 'enemy' website. ANN respondes to the many UNANN occusations and critisizes UNANN with it's own satiric articles.

ANN is your main news source: ANN reports news regarding Cre8 members and friends, important events, how's life in Israel, and... some satiric news regarding it's so-called competition :) " Arik Liderman, Arik Network's creator.

Here are some ANN productes regarding UNAnn and Amir:

Spot-light about Amir Buksboum (ANN / See article )

Amir, an alien from outer space? (ANN / See article )

Amir, yesterday's alien is today's wild horse? (ANN / See article )

Q&A with UNANN's webmaster: Amir Buksboum (ANN / See article )

Amir, after drinking tequila (ANN / See article )

The Arik Network strongly 'condemns' UNAnn (ANN / See article )


You can find more articles regarding UNANN in the 'old news' section