ANN 2002


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2002 begins with alot of work for the next two weeks. Posted 2/1/2002

The new year, 2002, has begun.

A year of changes and a new is reality is up ahead.

2002 begins with a massive math test, in fact, the biggest math test we will ever write.

In one week from now I will write my Magen exam in Math and exacly a week later I will write the final 3 (out of 4) unit Bagrut exam.

This will be the begining of my final Bagrut exams year: the 2002 Bagrut season.

I will write the final unit in Math sometime in summer, just before the army.

These are going to be 2 exausting weeks of non-stop study.

I am planning to study hard becuase this is the real moment. There will be no other opportunities to impruve.

As part of my massive study program I am planning to stay home during the next two weeks, until I will finnish writing my Bagrut exam.

Alot of hopes and dreams are at stake. This is one of the biggest and most important (if not the most important) tests of the Bagrut period.

This test will indeed infulence our future in the years to come.

So, enought speaking, it's time to work!

I would like to wish good-luck to everyone in the upcoming Magen and Bagrut exams!

Study hard everybody - study hard and succeed!!

ANN will keep you updated on this developing story as the preperations begin.

The math blitz reaches the point of no-return.

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