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Purim ends, school resumes and life continues (with no car yet) - news round-up. Posted 2/3/2002

* Purim has come to an end.

It was a great and very enjoyable vacation.

I had alot of fun with Nadav, Franky, Fruchtman, Weiss, Boxy and the others.

I relized one major thing after this vacation: I hate beer!

I tried to drink almost every sort of beet available and I didn't like anyone of them.

Anyway, it was a great vacation and now it's time to return for the last few weeks of my last school year.

These will be the final weeks of school.

We will study for 3 more weeks until Pesah (3 week vacation) and after Pesah we will return for the final 3 weeks of school.

After that the Bagruyot period will begin and the intesive preperations for the army service will also kick in.

* No new news about the car yet.

For more then a month now we are intensivly looking for the new Racer Turbo.

We had alot of bad luck and we are still looking.

I hope for the best and of - course ANN will keep you updated if anything new will pop-up.

* Nadav and Fruchtman joined our gym!

Me, Ziva and Chen are already members of the gym and we are regulary going there for practice.

Good luck!!

* Where is Yony?!

I was unable to contact Yony for more then a month now.

I sent him a couple of messages over ICQ and still haven't recieved an answer.

Yony, if you are reading this please contact me.


General news update:

IDF forces finally begun a massive crack-down on terrorist bases and hide-outs.

IDF forces entered the 'Balata' and the 'Jenin' refugee camps in the West-Bank.

Balata and Jenin are known to be the main bases of the terrorist organizations and until this day these places were the safe-haven for terrorists.

IDF forces are searching every house for terrorists and weapons and the operation is very successful.

More then 20 armed terrorists were killed during the operation. Alot of weapons were found.

A 'Kassam' missle factory was found and destroyed and a suicde bombs and mines factory was found and destroyed.

2 IDF soldiers were killed during the operation.

They died defending their country and saving dozens of lives of inocent civillians.

5 Palestinian civillians also died during the operation.

Yasser Arafat is killing his own and our people. We must stop him and destroy his terror bases.

IDF armor moving towards 'Balata'

News round-up.

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