The Arik Network: ANN
New section
on the Arik Network: Arik's articles for Cre8. Posted 2/8/2001
Today I uploaded a new section to the Arik Network.
The new section will contain all my articles and made
text for the Cre8 website.
As you already know, I am Cre8's CEO and I write articles
for the Cre8 website.
I decided to collect all my work in one section.
The new section is placed inside the main index of
the Arik Network.
The Cre8 website is taking alot of my time but nevertheless
I wount give up on my own website. Although the updates became more
seldom I still update my website and ANN.
The new section will help you track my progress in
Also, ANN's main index was changed. From today the
main article of the day will be placed in the middle of the main
page. The other new articles will be placed below the main one.
Hope you like the changes :)
can find the new section here
Cre8 and The Arik Network.
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