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Lag ba Omer with my class / English-oral bagrut exam and more! - Personal news round-up. Posted 4/5/2002

The last few days were maby the craziest days of my life.

Alot of fun and great events coming one after the other.


Lag Ba Omer, what a wounderful holiday :)

In Lag Ba Omer everyone in Israel get out of their homes and go to the nature for mangals (or eating alot of food in English).

I arranged a mangal for myself and my friends from my class.

We choose a great location for the mangal: on the border between Herzliya and the "desert" (10km of sand between Herzliya and Tel-Aviv).

It was only us, 400 other teenagers around us, the desert and the beach.

Well we didn't took into concideration the 400 other teenagers around us but heck it was still alot fun!!!!

Frankly speaking now, it was an amazing event.

This was one of my last opportunities to sit with my friends from class and talk with them about everything around us.

From politics, aliens and bible issues to girls, boys and other burning love matters - we talked about everything.

The most amazing part was that other people from the near-by mangals joined us sometimes and we all sat togehter.

Who attended the magal?

Girls: Lina, Shuli, Moran, Limor, Shenhav and Yaara and her friend (for a period of time).

Us: Me, Samech, Chen, Zohar, Idan, Shoostak, Itamar, Dor, Nevo, Yonatan and Narkis (at the end).

The mangal finnished at about 4:00am and we were all tired and ready to go back home.

It was a wounderful and most enjoyable event.

After I took sevral people home in the Racer Turbo I went to Fruchtman's and Nadav's mangal.

Franky and Boxy been there also but they decided to leave at about 4:00am so I wasen't able to catch them there.

Nevertheless I spent about an hour there speaking with Nadav and Fruchtman about various issues and it was alot of fun.

I returned at about 5:00AM happy and very tired home.


The Oral-Bagrut exam in English went very well, I hope.

I didn't study for this test and this is due to the fact that it wasen't on paper.

The tester spoke to us in English and checked our verbal skills.

I hope I got a good grade.

Next test up is the Habbaa Bagrut exam and it will be held tommorow.

Good luck to everyone!!!!


* Yesterday we had a 'wild' poker night at Nadav's place.

Me,Fruchtman, Nadav, Ziva, Weiss and Aviram attended the event.

I played alot of Sheshbesh and even some chess (I didn't play chess for about 10 years).

We had alot of fun!!

* Me, Ziva and Chen continue going to the gym.

The army service is closing fast and we have to be strong both physically and mentally when we get there.

* Fruchtman and Nadav are also now going to the gym.

The joined, then took a long break, then joined once again and again took a long break.

This time they told ANN, they are back for good!!

We'll see about that :).

* Where is Franky?!

I good question!

ANN is happy to report that he is safe.

Franky is corrently engaged in an intense study towards the Bagruyot.

We wish him alot of luck and hope to see him soon.

* Where is Yony?!

Another good question!

I was unable to contact him once again for two-three weeks now.

I'm waiting to hear what's new with him over there and hoping to get new information from him about his future plans.

We'll be waiting for an answer :)

* Pictures ladies and gentlemen, pictures!

Sevral month ago I promised you to put pictures from my Tiyul Shnaty and sevral other events on the website.

Finally, I am happy to announce that the day is near.

Personal news events from the last servral days.

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