The Arik Network: ANN
Posted 5/3/2002
The situation here goes from bad to worse.
Since my last update on ANN 3 days ago, more then
25 Israelis were slaughtered by terrorists all around the country.
The situation is now out of control, the Palestinians
launched their biggest terror assault against us in this 17 month
old conflict.
No place is a safe place.
They target babies, children, women, man, old and
young, everyone are a target.
Israel is despertly trying to fight back, hitting
Palestinain terror targets while the Palestinian terrorists target
These blood animals continue their attacks trying
to kill as many people as possible.
The people of Israel cannot bare this anymore.
The IDF, our army, is one of the most poweful armies
around the world.
Until this day the army used less then 10% of it's
ability, trying to hit empty police building and doing 1-2 day raids
and retreats back with no real resutls.
The only way to stop terror is to hit back with everything
and destroy their will to attack us.
Let the IDF do it's job!
Until our govrnment decides to act alot more people
will die on both sides.
Arafat is leading this area into chaos. He is killing
his own people and tryes to kill as many of us as possible.
He is a mad man, a terrorists and a pathological lier,
he is a monster and he has no place on this earth.
The decision to act is not far away.
I hope and pray that it will come as soon as possible.
When the order will be given the IDF will get rid
of terror and will restore peace and calm to us and to them.
Fire in Jeruslam and Beith Jala.
IDF armor on the move.
IDF soliders arrest suspected terrorists.
Police carry an injured woman after last night's attack
on a night-club.
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