The Arik Network: ANN
personal and breaking news round-up. Posted 5/10/2001
Alot of terrible and terrifing events took place during
the last 48 hours.
The news keep on coming and I hardly got the chance
to cope.
The day begun with another terror attack on a central
bus station in the north.
A terrorist which discuised himself as a Israeli soldier
approached the waiting passangers on the station and opened fire.
The terrorist shot more then 45 bullets and killed
3 people.
15 others were injured, one seriously.
This is the most bizzare cease fire I have ever witnessed.
The terror never stopped and although Palestinian president Yasser
Arafat agreed on the cease fire - he actually did NOTHING to stop
the terrorists.
Only sevral hours before this horrible terror attack
two Israeli woman were seriously injured in Hebron during the Jewish
Sukot holiday celebrations.
Palestinain snippers shot the two from a near-by Palestinian
controlled neighberhood of Abu-Snena.
Hours before that two Palestinian terrorists penetrated
an Israeli town and killed two people - a young woman and her boyfriend.
After this latest terror attack another breaking news
A Russian plane crashed in the black sea. Most of
the passangers were Israelis.
The reason for the crash is still unknown although
the most lickely reason is a missle fired towards the airplane from
Ukranian battleships.
The investigation has only begun and we are all waiting
to hear some answers.
77 passangers were on that flight, most of them Israeli
citizens traveling to Russia to visit their families during the
Today early morning, finally, IDF forces took action
to respond to the latest terror attacks.
In response to the terror attack in the bus station,
and the shooting of two Israeli woman IDF tanks and infantry re-captured
50% of the city of Hebron which was under Palestinian control.
More then 30 IDF tanks were used in this opporation.
Palestinian gunmen ofered harsh resistance which lasted
three hours before they gave up.
At least 7 Palestinian gunmen were killed, no IDF
soldier was hurt.
The IDF now controls 50% of the city of Hebron, in
the past it controlled only about 5%.
The IDF presense in the city will continue until the
Palestinians will agree to stop shooting at Hebron's jewish citizens.
Today morning, only 12 hours after the last terror
attack occured, a Jewish man was shot and killed in a Palestinian
terrorist ambush.
And now for some personal news!
The Sukot vacation goes well, alot of enjoyable moments.
Evey day me and and my friends go out and have fun.
The Sukot vacation ends in five days.
During one of our last bowling games, the unbelivable
Arik Liderman lost for the first time after more then
15 games!
It was an owful game - nothing went well, and this
time noone was able to save Arik's team from a certian defeat.
Another increadible thing happened during the last
Fruchtman exploded with 3 strikes in a row!
This was an amazing Fruchtman game who managed to
break his record.
Yesterday, I went with Shoostak, Itamar, Samech and
Chen to the mall. We had alot of fun - and stayed there until around
Alot of fun and funny moments with Franky, Boksy,
Ben, Weiss and Dor also during the countless times we got out during
this vacation.
For conclusion: I'm trying to enjoy every moment :)
IDF tanks during an operation
IDF chief of staff briefing IDF commanders.
Demonstrations during the funeral of one of the Terrorists
who carried out the town penetration attack.
Fruchtman breaks his personal record!
Arik, enjoys the Sukot vacation!
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