The Arik Network: ANN
People in spot
light: Chen Goldberg. Posted 6/10/2001
Chen went virtually to every single place I went but
we never met or talked until three years ago.
Chen studied with me in the elemntry school, he also
studied with me in junior-high.
All and all, we spent 9 years together without even
The big change came when I went to the High School,
my corrent school - Hayovel.
Chen also went to Hayovel, and we were put together
in the same class.
With each and every passed day I understood better
and better what I have missed.
Chen's ideas, and the hard work he puts in what he
belives is his future got me amazed.
Today, I talk freely with Chen on every single issue
on the adgenda. My debates with him are the most intresting debates
I ever have.
His ideas are tricky and smart, and his perspective
on the corrent reality is simply amazing.
Most of the things he said to me during the last two
years came true.
Some of my ideas are shared by him and on some we
have the most serious debates which leave me at the end thinking
and even sometimes adjusting my ideas.
The most amazing thing which can be said about Chen
is his amazing knowlage of computers.
He achieved his huge ammount of knowlage with hard
work and alot of effort, and corrently he can do almost every single
task, when asked, on the computer.
From HTML, Java and C to Visual Basic, Access and
Pascal, he knows everything!
My friendship with him tightened during the last 2
years, and contuinues to strengthen today.
Today I share with him my almost every singe idea,
and the cooporation between us continues to grow on almost every
After Cre8's ending Chen was the the first person
I went to.
During the last two years I did alot of bad things
which sabotaged our friendship.
I came to understand my owful mistakes and the bad
ways I acted.
I belive that I learned my lesson.
I will never do anything like that again during my
life-time, and this, I belive, is the most important thing I have
learned from our friendship.
Hopefuly, our friendship will continue to strengthen
and grow and will remain strong for a long time to come.
Something tells me that if Chen will continue his
hard work, in the futute you will be able to return to ANN, read
this article and say: "ANN was the first to spot Chen".
Chen "Hanan" Goldberg
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