The Arik Network: ANN
Icon 2001,
not this time. Posted 7/10/2001
For the first time after two consecutive years, I
didn't go to the ICON con.
There are alot of reasons why I didn't go - lack of
time, small amount of people, but the main reason, I belive, is
that Dean Herzkivitz has most of the episodes shown in Icon.
Hopefuly, in the near future Dean will be able to
show us the episodes we missed in Icon this year.
The main episode I wanted to see and missed is the
pilot episode of the new Star Trek series Entreprise.
More then 10 milion people in the U.S. turned to watch
the latest installment of the Star Trek franchise.
The reviews are increadibly good, and people are saying
that the new series has a huge amount of potential.
The only series which recieved this amount of polularity
and good reviews was Star Trek: The Next Generation which was and
is to date the most popular Star Trek series ever created.
Since the end of The Next Generation in 1994, Star
Trek's popularity begun to fall and people begun to doubt if Star
Trek will survive for much longer.
Today, finally after 7 dark years Star Trek fans can
finally be happy.
The Star Trek legacy continues with Enterprise, and
hopefuly in the near future I too will be able to watch the new
The most popular Star Trek series to date: The Next
Generation. (the starship Enterprise 1701-D from TNG)
Captian Bakula, the new captian of the new series
Star Trek: Entreprise
The Star Trek universe
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