The Arik Network: ANN
This is it.
Test time. Posted 8/1/2002
The time has come for me to face one of my most crucial
tests in the 3-year High-School period.
In two days from now I will write the Math Magen exam
and exacly one week later I will come back to write the final Bagrut
I would like to wish good luck to everyone with all
my heart.
Good luck everyone and make it happen!
ANN and I will return in two days from now.
Let's hope that the next time I will write, it will
be a good article.
Arik Liderman, Arik Network's and ANN's Webmaster.
The 2002 Math Magen and Bagrut are two days away (The
Magen, the Bagrut is in 9 days from now)
Arik Liderman (me) wishing good luck to everyone!
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