The Arik Network: ANN
Car / Basketball
/ Terror and more.. - News round-up. Posted 8/2/2002
Alot has changed during the last couple of days!
First of all the car search went on high gear and
alot of hard work was put in to find the best car on the road!
Here are the results:
Yesterday me and my mother went to Netaniya to all
the licensed car manufacturers around.
We went to Toyota, Chrizler, Hunday, Suzuki, Deawo
and Daihyatsu. (spelling?)
We recieved alot of offers but finally my mother decided
not to buy a new car (although I did my best to try to convince
her to buy a new car).
Then we went to alot of parking lots to look for a
second-hand car.
We found serval options we are considering now:
1. Rover 214 1998, 1600cc
2. Deawo Lanos 1999, 1500cc
3. Daihyatsu Serion 2000, 1000cc
4. VW Golf 1997, 1600cc
5. Pegeout 306 1998, 1600cc
We are going to check all the cars above and look
for more during the next couple of days.
Good luck!
Kirkas Mederano fell apart and was bombed 5-0 by one
of the best teams in the tournament.
Sadly, we were choosen to play against one of the
best teams around (the team reached the semi-finals).
We did our best but they were way out of our league.
Nevertheless, we are still happy we tried. We waren't
afraid to face them and we did just that with alot of honor and
Kirkas Mederano finnished it's way in the first round.
Also in the basketball news:
Our school's basketball team (Hayovel team) reached
the 1/4 finals in the national basketball league for high-schools.
Our team faced the Metro-West high-school from Raananah.
The game was on T.V and more then 600 students (me too) went to
see the game.
We won with a 7 point margin.
Next week our team will go to their high-school for
the second 1/4 game. We must win or lose in less then 7-points.
Good luck!!
TERROR: A terrorist penetrated an Israeli town and
killed 3 people: a Mother and her 11 year old daughter and an IDF
This monstrous act was carried out by the Hamas.
These animals broke into a home and killed with cold
blood a mother and her daughter.
An IDF soldier tried to free the daughter which was
still alive and was shot to death by the terrorist.
Then the terrorist shot and killed the daughter and
begun to shot towards the other homes.
More IDF soldiers were rushed in and they were able
to kill the terrorist.
* Boksy is going to star in a movie.
The movie will be directed by Yotam Avgar and he will
recieve a grade on the movie as part of his studies in Film class.
* Itamar's war with Yaron ended in a sad defeat.
Itamar was unable to change anything and was forced
to appologize for his acts.
The Tehem class will continue it's war against Yaron
until he begins to teach us in a normal way, like a true teacher.
Rover 214, Arik and his mother are considering to
buy one.
Kirkas Mederano finnished it's part in the tournament.
Arafat and Yassin, the leaders of the terrorists.
Boksy was choosen for a role in Yotam's new movie.
Yaron - 1, Itamar - 0
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