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And so it begun.. Posted 8/10/2001

On September 11th the world has changed.

On September 11th the most terrible act of terror was commited against inocent civilians.

On September 11th the whole world begun to relize that terror no longer targets only us, it is aimed against the whole free world.

On October 7th the free world said no more!

Yesterday, during the early hours of evening (Israel time) the U.S. finally acted.

One month after the barbaric terror attacks the U.S. responded with full force.

Bin Laden, his network and the Taliban were the first targets.

The Taliban and Al-Kaida (Bin Laden's terror organization) are a threat to the whole world.

They represent the dark ages of humanity, the most barbaric and primitive ways, they have no place among the free nations of the world.

Hopefuly, the campaign against terror has only begun, and Bin-Laden is the first on the list.

I urge the U.S. to lead the free world against ALL terror, and not only 'specific' terror which targets the U.S.

After the Taliban will be gone, Iran and Iraq will still remain, The Hamas, the Islamic Jihad and the Hizbollah will still remain, and of-course Yasser Arafat and his Palestinian Authority who are doing EXACLY the same like the Taliban: harboring, shelting and supporting terror against inocent civilians will still remain.

The organizations I've mentioned above, and more terror organizations like the Chechens, The terrorists which attack Indian civilians in Kashmir, and the terrorist organization in the Philipins should not be neglected.

The U.S. is the leader of the free world, we support you, and Israel is willing to help in every way possible.

The U.S. should act against all terror, and bring these barbaric animals to justice.


In yesterdays attack, more then 50 Tomahoc missles were launched and more then 25 fighters were used.

Sevral targets were hit, among them: communications centers, airports and terrorist camps.

Tomahoc missle being launched towards a target

Arming the planes

September 11th, the day the world has changed

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