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Heroic battles in Jenin, over 300 terrorists killed, 13 IDF soldiers killed. Posted 9/4/2002

Operation 'Defensive wall' is in it's 13th day.

Fierce battles have been spoted in Jenin's refugee camp after IDF forces, in a heroic and an increadible battle were able to secure control of Shem's casba.

Today one of the bloodiest battles accured in the Jenin refugee camp: (Note that IDF's formal information says that a suicide bomber and sevral road-side bombs exploded near a group of soldiers searching a house in Jenin's refugee camp but my sources and sevral other sources inside the army gave us and sevral other websites the following details:)

IDF soldiers spoted terrorists hiding in a near-by building near the center of Jenin's refugee camp.

A group of IDF paratroopers entered the suspected building to check for terrorists.

The soldiers were not aware to what was going on bellow them: inside the basement.

Below the building dozens of Palestinian terrorists were hiding inside a huge explosives laboratory which constructed Quassam missles and suicide bombs. The terrorists detonaited the whole laboratory killing themselves and 13 IDF soldiers with them when the whole building collapsed.

Battles still continue all across Jenin.

IDF sources said that they belive about 50-200 terrorists are still hiding inside the camp.

The advance of the soldiers is slow in order to minimize casualties from the inocent civillian polulation.

Note that IDF forces cauld have bombed the suspected buildings with planes but they deicided to risk the soldiers life and go in to every building in order to SAVE PALESTINIAN LIVES.

The terrorists are hiding inside various buildings, they are using the inocent population as human-shields and hide among them as they prepare road-side bombs and deadly traps for the troops.

The people of Israel storngly support IDF's operations.

These bloody terrorists target inocent civillians all across Israel and try to kill as many people as they can.

It's a war over our homes.

Since IDF's operation begun, NO ATTACKS were carried out against Israeli civillians, and you know why?! - because all the brave terrorists are running and hiding from the IDF forces.

IDF's operation continues.

Fighting inside Jenin's refugee camp: one of the main bases of Palestinian terror

Fighting inside Jenin's refugee camp: one of the main bases of Palestinian terror

Injured IDF soldier evacuated from the fighting area

3 of the dead soldiers in today's battles in Jenin

(More information: IDF's spokesperson unit)

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