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Magen test completed!. / 4 IDF soldiers die in yet another terror attack Posted 10/1/2002

The first major math test is finally behind me!

Today I wrote my Math Magen exam.

I should know my grade at the begining of next week.

I pray and hope for the best.

The final Bagrut exam is exacly one week away.

But for now, at last, I have a day or two of free and spare time.


In another bloody terror attack by Palestinain terrorists, 4 IDF soldiers were killed near Kibutz Nir-Shalom in southern Israel, just outside the Gaza strip.

During the early hours of morning (just before dawn), 8 terrorists penetrated Israel.

6 terrorists stayed foot to offer support and help if needed and 2 others moved forward towards IDF's "Africa" outpost near Kibutz Nir-Shalom.

3 Beduin soldiers were on patrol in the base.

The terrorists broke in, threw hand granedes and opened fire from automatic weapones towards the soldiers.

2 soldiers were killed, and another seriously injured.

The injured soldier was able to kill one of the Terrorists.

An IDF patrol jeep quickly approached the area, forcing the other 6 terrorists to withdraw and flee towards Palestinian controlled areas.

The remaining terrorist opened fire towards the Jeep and killed another two soldiers (the commader and the driver).

3 other soldiers jumped from the jeep and were able to kill the Terrorist.

During today's briefing, IDF commaders said that the terrorists prepared the operation carefuly, weeks before.

Apperantly, they were hiding inside Palestinian Police outposts, wearing Palestinain Police uniforms.

By the cover of their fellow Palestinian policeman they were able to cut the fence and get into Israel.

This deadly operation, once again, in the 1.000.000 time pruves that the Paletinain Authority knows, hides, and supports the terrorists.

The 4 dead Beduin soldiers.

An IDF soldier mourning the deaths of his 4 friends in the "Africa" outpost.

Magen completed, Bagrut up ahead.

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