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Sukot vacation is over, back to school / 4 tests in four days. Posted 10/10/2001

The Sukot vacation was a great vacation and I had alot of fun.

8 memorable days without school and alot of fun, but now it's time to return to reality!

Tommorow the school returns and the Sukot vacation comes to an end.

From tommorow we will study non-stop between 2-3 month (don't know exacly) and I'm bracing myself for the school period.

I intend to study hard, more then ever, because it's my last year in school and I have to succeed in my last Bagruyot to get a good Bagrut grade average.

School is of-course not only about studing, I intend to enjoy my last school year, and have fun - to make it the most remembable year ever!

Hopefuly, in 20 years I will be able to look back and remember the best times and the greatest memories.

Good luck to everyone - it's our final year in school, let's make the max out of it!


The next four days will be hell days for me - 4 days with 4 tests - 1 test per day!

Tommorow I'll have Moreshet Israel test, on Friday I'll have Safrut test, on Sunday I'll have an English test and on Monday the hardest and biggest test of them all: Math.

Good luck to everyone on the following tests - I will succeed!.

Good luck!

The school returns.

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