The Arik Network: ANN
People in spot-light:
Nadav Bason. Posted 12/2/2002
Driving in his Volvo, his long hair flyes with the
wind, two hot chicks (fruchtman and weiss) sitting by his side,
the music rocks and the mood is simply increadible! - meet Nadav
"Pery" Bason, the real man with the plan.
He is the king of Shebesh and the leader of Iraq's
Jews, he has famlily ties to the great Moses himself, and he uses
Pantene Pro-V every day, Pery simply rocks!
He rules his friends and seduces them with his great
will and his long hair:
"He is my hero" - Frcuhtman
"I love his hair" - Weiss
"I want to touch him" - Boxy
....His friends simply bow to his commands....
The teachers bow to his commands, he sits in the teachers
room with the most beutiful teachers of them all: Nitza to his left,
Eti Lanchner to his right and Yaron feeds him with juicy grapes.
The man of the people, and the man with the plan:
Nadav "Pery" Bason.
I met Nadav not a long time ago.
A person like Nadav is hard to find.
Nadav is a great friend and a wounderful person.
He is always there when you need him, and of-course
he always comes with a new plan to save the day.
You can't describe Nadav without talking about his
amazing sense of humor: he is simply funny and a 'fun' loving person!
His jokes and the way he talks became a common thing
in the gang.
I call it the 'Perimania' .. :)
Nadav usually wears black (I still don't know why),
he is a strict vegetarian (he can't even eat Pizza!!) and his main
hobbies (as far a I know) are to make fun and argue with his teachers,
play basketball, hang out with friends and simply have fun.
His grades are in the 90's.
Nadav is truly a woundeful friend, and I promise you
that you wount find anyone who will say otherwise.
When ever you need Nadav, he will always be there
to help you.
On a personal note: Nadav is a great friend and person
and he became a crucial and a key part of our gang. He earned it
fair and square, he simply rocks!
Another important question about Nadav should be answered:
What or who is 'Pery'?
Pery Bason is our hero..
Pery Bason is Nadav's cousin, and he is a very 'dominant'
and 'strong' person.
When ever anyone of us falls into trouble, we call
Nadav and he calls Pery who comes to save the day!
Oh and by the way, he is also Luck Bason's long lost-cousin
Nadav Bason, the man with the plan.
The new Hebrew by Nadav, Aviram, Ziva, Inachi and..
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