The Arik Network: ANN
Beach time
fun. Posted 14/4/2002
The sun has finally decided to shine and the party
was on!!
30c temperures on Friday means only one thing: TIME
Me and my friends (Shoostak, Dor, Itamar, Samech and
Chen) went to the beach on Friday and the sight was increadible!
Hundreds of teenagers filled the sea shores playing
Matkot and Sheshbesh, dancing to the music and of-course swiming
in the sea.
We of course joined the party and had alot of fun!!
On the following day (Saturday) tempertures reached
32c and the mood was higher then ever and so I went to the beach
once again only this time with Franky, Nadav, Ziva and Doron.
This time the sight was even better then the previous
Me and Ziva were titled as the Matkot kings and I
lost to Doron in Sheshbesh.
After the fun at the beach we went to eat in a nice
cafe just above the shore and after a small brake we were on our
way again, this time to play basketball.
I had ALOT of fun during this weekend and I decided
to go to the beach every week now.
The summer is fast approaching and the weather is
The sea temperture is about 21c (it's a bit cold but
it gets warmer by the minute so it's not a problem)
After spending about 4.5 hours at the beach you return
home exausted but with a great feeling and a big smile on your face.
It's a good way to run from the harsh reality outside
and a perfect way to spend your weekend.
On Friday I decided not to go to school.
Why? - well frankly I don't know.. :)
If you are not from Israel then probably not-coming
to school (on perpuse) is not such a good idea and the rules are
severe but here every once in a while it's not a big deal if you
miss a day or two.
Me, Samech and Chen went to Apoloniya: a historic
location just outside Herzliya.
An anchient fortress from the 1-4 century still exists
there (well at least parts of it) and we deicded to go and climb
on the fortress and take a look around.
The sight was amazing.
From the fortress (which stands on a small hill off-shore)
we were able to see Tel-Aviv, Herzliya and Netaniya.
It was a very intresting experience and we didn't
miss alot of meterial in school.
The clock is ticking.
Two weeks now seperate us and the final end of school.
The beach.
Hundreds of beautiful girls were at the beach on Friday and Saturday
(Above: Bar Refaeli, a talanted Israeli model lying on the beach.)
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