The Arik Network: ANN
Arik / Cre8
/ General news round-up. Posted 14/8/2001
Late last night IDF forces rumbled into the Palestinian
controled town of Jenin.
8 of the latest 10 suicide bombers came from that
city. Israelis descrive Jenin as a 'death factory' for Hamas, Jihad
and Force 17 terrorists.
The IDF task forces included 50 tanks and support
vehicles which blasted threw Palestinian defences from three different
Palestinian terrorists and PLO gunmen opened fire
at the tanks. IDF tanks DIDN'T return fire to avoid civilian casualties.
If IDF forces would have returned fire they would have killed the
gunmen and alot of civilians since the gunmen fired from inside
populated houses.
IDF forces killed, according to reports two terrorists
and destroyed the main terrorist factories inside Jenin before crossing
back to Israel.
The attack came as a response to two deadly suicide
bombers attacks inside Israeli cities - one in down town Jeruslam
which killed 15 people and the other in the northen city of Haifa
which luckily 'only injured' 40 people.
The two bombers came from Jenin under the protection
of the Palestinian Authority which did nothing to stop the plans
and the execution of the deadly attacks which were amed at civilians.
Among the dead in the Jeruslam attack were six children aged between
4 month (the yongest) to 15.
IDF forces sent a message to the Palestinian Authority:
You will not be able to hide the terrorists. You released them from
your jails, you gave them arms and cover, your forces help them
to cross the border and sometimes join the attacks - you will pay.
The IDF operation took 4 hours, all forces returned
safely home.
If the Palestinian Authority will continue to support
terror they will stay much longer.
A couple of days ago Cre8 members and friends went
to play bowling.
This was a magical game for Arik who broke once again
his record. The old 133 point record was replaced by a new 135 record.
Arik's team continued to win withought losing a singe
Even the mighty Ziva was unable to stop Arik.
Cre8 members and friends went to play although there
were serious terror warnings and police forces were on highest alert.
Eyal Frank finally recived the Niva and he is the
newest driver in the group.
The 'Niva' is a Russian made jeep which until today
serves in the Russian army.
Ben Menahem left Cre8 two days ago. Cre8 is searching
for a new member.
Idan and Fruchtman joined Cre8 as writers for the
Cre8 website.
Four Cre8 meetings were held during the last two weeks.
News round-up for the last couple of days
Terror in Jerusalem: 15 dead and more then 100 injured
in Hamas suicide bomber attack.
Even Ziva was unable to stop Arik in bowling.
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