ANN 2002


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Tonight we cry. Posted 15/4/2002

Tonight we cry.

At 8:00PM Tonight and at 11:00AM tommorow the people of Israel will remember the faces of the young man and woman who served our small country and made sure that noone would be able to defeat us.

Tonight Israel remembers it's fallen sodliers.

From the very first moments of Israel's existance and until this very second we didn't have one peacful moment.

We were destined to defend ourselves and live in one of the world's most harsh enviournments.

From the Nazi horrors they emerged: young man and woman, the survivors of the death camps and the gas chambers, they came to tell to the world that the Jewish people lives on.

And from those horrible chambers they came to light our darkest hour and to establish after 2000 years of exile the state of the Jewish people: Israel.

On this little piece of land, it's size no bigger then the coastal area of California, the Jewish people established their homeland.

The Jewish people once again had thier own country - the one place where no anti-semetism exists and where we can live our lives peacfuly.

21,182 young man and woman paid the price of our existance.

Today we remember our brave soldiers, our flesh and blood who decided to stood up and fight and to make sure that the land of Israel remains unharmed.


The war of independace continues even at this very moment.

There are still those who hope to destroy us and our dream.

They hunt us down and kill us at our homes, they put explosives on their bodies and explode next to inocent civillians, they shoot at our cars and they try to force us out of here by using terror.

Thousends of brave soldiers fight at this very moment against this evil that threatens not only us but also the entire free world.

We hope and pray that our brave soldiers will return safely home and will be succeesful in their mission: to put an end to terror and to make sure Israel's existance would never be threatened once more.

Shalom from Jeruslam, the united capital of the state of Israel.

Soldiers cry on their friends grave

A mother cryes on her sons grave.

The war continues: a young girl cryes. Next to her lies the body of her father, another victim of a sucide bomber.

A soldier rases the flag of Israel amid the battles of the war of independence, 1948. Long live the state of Israel!!

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