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Fun on Friday / Car news / Pery and Franky in TRANSE and more!!. Posted 16/2/2002

So, what happened on Friday?!

It was just and ordinary evening, an ordinary bowling game..

Papa Fruchtman returned to play with ball 9', the master ball of them all.

Ziva was beutiful as always, Weiss was watching and laughing and Arik was the big joke of the evening (as always ;) )

The gang decided to call me Sasha, Oleg, Ivanov and many other Russian nicks.

I still can't understand why....

Everyone knows that I am no Russian, I am a Ukranian, a former citizen of the Great Soviet Union!!

Damn that Shoostak girl, she convinced everyone that a Ukranain is a fake Russian, well I'll show her!!

We are not.

We are a proud people, we are the true leaders of the Great Soviet Union!!

We even invented the Borcht!!

Anyway, we were playing our usual ordinary bowling game in which, of-course, I won.

The 9' ball club united to beat our cheap competition.

Franky, Ziva and Doron stood there like little monkeyes while club 9' opened an ever growing gap.

After that we went to EAT.

And indeed we ate!

After eating at the Commercial Zone we went to our mall, but it was closed.

Then we went to Raanana'h and talked all the way there and as we returned.

We talked about alot of intresting issues and it was truly an intresting evening.

It was nice.


Pery and Franky went into girl TRANSE!!!!

Franky and Pery are here to teach you the secrets of life and they are on a hunt for the most beutiful girl of them all, which will say yes of-course.

Who's in? well I am!



Car! Car! Car! Car!

Did anyone said car?!

The buying process is under way!

If everything will go right I should have a car very very soon :)

Finally, we reached the final stages of buying.

During the last 3 weeks we searched around the clock for the choosen car.

We went everywhere and we visited almost every major city in the center of Israel.

I have checked more then 100 cars and now, finally, it's time to pick one up and buy!!

ANN is waiting for the amazing news, when they will come.

We'll keep you updated!


* Franky is the new big papa chief of the bad Zigota!!

Good job Franky!!

Franky is now the new manager of the band and he is working very hard to arrange new events and shows which will feature the band.

ANN has also learned that a new rumor has surfaced and speakes of a meeting between Franky and Bar Refaeli?!

There is still ALOT of work to do before this kind of meeting can be arranged but Franky is determined to achieve this goal. Good luck! :)

* Yotam's movie is in it's final stages. Boxy went today to Sidny Ally to continue to filming of the movie. Boxy playes a major part in the movie.

Boxy stayed home during this Friday and sadly didn't join us in order to rest and prepare for the filming.

Good luck with the movie!!

* Today me, Ziva and Chen went to the gym. It was a good day in the gym indeed!! We did alot of exercises and we returned tired, but happy home.

Speaking about the gym: Fruchtman and Franky promised to return to the gym.

Well, what are you waiting for?! - come on!!

Coach Arik (not me) is waiting for you.... :)

* Itamar passed a test and now he also has a license!!

Itamar will have to drive 2 month with his parents and then he will be able to drive alone.

Good luck Itamar and drive safely!!

* Fruchtman, start driving!

Don't be afraid to call your teacher again, he wount bite.... at least I think he wount.

ANN, once again, calls Fruchtman to start driving.

If you wount start driving, ANN will tell your mother about your secret Barbie dolls collection :)

News round-up.

Pery and Franky in Transe!!

Boxy plays in Yotam's movie.

Fruchtman still walks.


Car! Car! Car! Car! - I want a car!!!!

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