The Arik Network: ANN
It's finally
over! - I feel good!. Posted 18/1/2002
Few! What a relief! - I finnished my math bagrut exam!!!!
I feel damn good now!
I'm hoping for the best.
The Bagrut results should arrive in two month from
Now, finally, I have spare time!
The next Bagrut is more then two month away and now
we are back on our regular school schedule.
During these hard days alot of small things happened:
* We played sevral basketball games in the new "Sportec"
in Herzliya. Most of the games were good games, and I enjoyed alot.
* We also played one soccer game. It was the most
crowded soccer game we have ever played: more then 14 people arrived
to play, and we had to seperate everyone into sevral teams. Our
team (Me, Nadav, Dor, Boxy and Faruk) finnished the games with 1
victory and 3 sad defeats.
* Faruk is due to leave for a Tiyul Shnaty with his
school. He is due to leave on Sunday and he will return on early
* Elad Narkis, from my class, passed a test and he
now also has a driving license. Congratulations!
* Me and Ziva will return to the gym on Saturday,
after two weeks of no exercise.
Life is back to normal again after two weeks of Math
Blitz! - It's over!
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