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People in spot-light: Itamar Berger. Posted 20/1/2002

From the fires of the Burger King factory comes to us the king of all - Itamar Berger!

Known only as "The King" Itamar continues to rule until this day and all the Hamburgers are at his command!

I met Itamar only about 3 years ago when we were put in the same class.

Few of us knew where we were going, and after almost three years, even fewer know what the hell are we learning.

Nevertheless, Itamar, me and the rest of the Techem students formed an unbreakable bond which states: "We succeed as one, and we fail as one" - of course most of us failed.

Itamar is a good friend of myne, he seats besides me during most of our school day, and we often play basketball together (almost every weekend).

Itamamr is a bright and smart student. His grades are always at the 90's even though he is not a school frik and usually he paints with me or just ignores the teachers :).

Speaking about paintings, during the last couple of weeks me and Itamar painted more then 8 lovely paintings during school time.

One day we will become famous I tell you!

Itamar is usually very calm and polite, but when someone really annoys him you better watch out - because crazy Itamar will be right after you!!

Resistance is futile in this case: there is no where to run and no where to hide from him....

You see, Itamar comes from a proud Romanian family and he learned all the skills a true Romanain has to know - he will find you with no problem because he knows where to look for things and of course he knows how to run.... ("after you steal, you need to run" - 'How to become a Romanian' by Bzezek, page 1).

And now for some serios information:

Itamar is a woundeful person - he is smart and very intellegent.

Itamar is good friend, and I am honored by his friendship.

Itamar loves basketball and he usually playes every weekend.

One of Itamar's other hobbies is to create music (Transe, House).

I can safely say that without Itamar the last 3 amazing years with Techem would have been ALOT less amazing.

Itamar Berger, a proud Romanain and the mighty king of all Bergers!

Itamar Berger, The Burger King.

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