The Arik Network: ANN
On the verge
of WAR. Posted 20/2/2002
Israel is on a verge of war.
Israel's citizens, soldiers, cities and roads are
under constant attack by bloody terrorists.
For more then 17 month now the people of Israel live
under unbelivable terror waves and bury it's dead on a daily basis.
A couple of days ago a new wave of terror attacks
begun and it was and is (it continues as we speak) the worst terror
wave to hit Israel ever.
During the last 48 hours, 18 Israelis lost their lives.
Every day we witness more and more deadly terror attacks:
suicide bombers, car bombs, road ambushes, penetrations into towns
and villages and constant attacks on IDF outposts.
The people of Israel wount be able to bare this horrific
reality for much longer.
Israel is continuing to give the Palestinians a chance
to end violance and the IDF is using less then 10% of it's might
and power against the Palestinians.
Nothing seem to work, and they continue to attack
and kill inocent people hoping that the Israeli poblic will give
up and will comply to their claims.
This is not the way to reach peace.
Arafat is trying to achieve what he failed to achieve
during peace negotiations.
Israel offered him almost everything, yet he decided
not to accept the agreement and open a terror war to try to force
Israel and it's public to give up and accept his unconditional claims.
He will not succeed.
Israel will not bare this any longer.
The time of war closes fast.
I predict that if Arafat will not stop terror Israel
will be forced to act in the very near future and save the middle-east
from the hands of Arafat's gang of terrorists.
Arafat is a terrorist, and it's about time our govrnment
begins to treat him like one.
In response to the wave of the murderous terror attacks
in recent days and the lack of acing by the Palestinian Authority
against terror, the IDF attacked tonight 3 targets in the Gaza Strip.
* Palestinian BRDM armored vehicles at the "Antzar
2" compounds, near the city of Gaza.
* "The Juazat", the "Blue" Palestinian police headquarters
in the city of Gaza.
* A security compounds in the city of Khan Yunis.
IDF Naval forces also attacked The Palestinian Naval
comando headquarters and sank a Palestinian comando ship.
At least 14 terrorists were killed in the operation.
Israel fights back: night time attack on terror targets
by the IAF (Israel's air-force)
IDF soldiers mourn after 6 of thier friends were murdered
by terrorists.
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