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A quite 'busy' begining of the Pesah vacation!!. Posted 20/3/2002

What a begining to the Pesah vacation!

Yesterday more then 25 people arrived at my place and the party was on!

The party was arranged by me and by a friend of myne from my class.

Lina and Me arranged the party in a record time of 2 days and it was a great success :)

Samech was the chef of the party and he brought us alot of tasty foods.

Itamar was the music man and Chen and Nir helped me to organize everything before the party begun.

As I already mentioned more then 25 people arrived to the party, the vast majority of them from my class.

From Idan to Toya and Noaa, everyone came to eat and party!

The weather was quite nice (a little bit cold though) and the atmosphere was great as the people came to celebrate the end of school.

It was a blast and a night to be remembered.


The end of my school life is fast approaching and only one month now seperates me and the end of school.

After the Pesah vacation I will return for two more weeks to school and then it will be the last time I will see school again.

After that I shall return to write all the Bagruyot exams which will continue almost until the begining of my army service.

ANN will continue to function until early summer, then I shall say farewall to you and to everyone and begin my army service and my new period in life.

But for now let's enjoy the Pesah vacation and the new exciting articles ANN is planning to bring you - keep on coming!!!! :)

Party at Arik's!

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