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First report: rumores about a new 'Racer' emerge! / IDF takes over Tul-Karem. Posted 21/1/2002

ANN has recieved new increadible rumores!

This is the first report:

ANN has learned that Arik's parents finally deicded to buy a new car!!!!

The process has already begun and Arik is now begining seriously to look for a new car.

After more then 4 month of walking in the rain and sitting in the back the long awaited moment has finally arrived and the new car is fast approaching Arik.

This process of buying might take a while longer but the general idea is to buy a new car during the next couple of weeks.

Among the cars Arik's mother suggested is Opel Corsa and Rover 216.

Arik strongly supports Rover.

The name "Racer Turbo" awaits it's new master :).

ANN will keep you updated on this exciting story!


Yesterday night the IDF (Israel Defence Forces aka Za"hal) was put into action once again.

At 3AM local time more then 100 tanks and armored personal carriers entered the Palestinian cotrolled city of Tul-Karem and took control of it within 20 minutes.

The latest terror attack to hit Israel, the Hadera shooting which left 6 people dead originated from Tul-Karem's terror cells.

IDF's mission is to wipe those cells out.

The operation will continue for sevral days, until the goal will be met.

IDF warned the Palestinian police force before entering the city to avoid a serious blood-shed yet hundreds of gunmen from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah and the Palestinian police force opened fire towards the forces which entered the city from 3 different directions.

In the gunbattle which orrupted 2 gunmen were killed and sevral were injured, most of them fled as the tanks approached.

IDF forces begun searching homes and other terror hide-outs and after less then 24 hours they found and arrested about 20 suspected terrorists and found alot of guns, graneds and alot of other weapones.

At 2:30 PM, reporters reported that the center of Tul-Karem was filled with hundreds of soldiers and there was no parking place left since all the parking spots were taken by dozens of tanks and APC'S :)

The IDF will continue it's war against terror until the very last of those bloody terrorists will pay the price.

IDF soldier directs IDF's tank in the ourskirts of Tul-Karem.

IDF tank parks inside Tul-Karem.

Down-town Tul-Karem, IDF soldiers search the area.

Opel Corsa - a small yet strong and very reliable car.

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