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People in spot-light: Ofer Shoostak. Posted 21/3/2002

With his amazing smile Ofer Shoostak walks on the streets of Herzliya and rides the waves of success.

People just stand there and watch as he walkes and smiles....

His smile is the most hypnotic smile I have ever encountered.

I met Ofer 3 years ago when the two of us (and our other friends) went to the Tehem class.

Unbelivably, Ofer is successful in Tehem.

To succeed in Tehem a student must have an enourmous inside strength and Ofer is among the few that have this strength.

In twenty years he too will be able to say: "I survived the Tehem class of 1999-2002".

Ofer is an amazing person, and not only because of his increadible smile.

He is a good human being and a very friendful and helping person.

He is part of the mythological 'Safsal Ahori' organization and together we make alot of fun and produce alot of Dahkot during Yaron's Tehem lessons.

When you need something, go to Ofer and he will do his best to help.

Ofer loves basketball and we often play together with our friends.

He is one of the fastest players I have ever encountered.

O.. and he is also responsible for an incident I shall call: "Ha Shahar ha ole" - VE HA MEVIN YAVIN.

Me and Shoostak and Itamar, Dor, Samech and Chen shared a room together during our Yud-Bet Tiyul Shnaty.

It was the craziest room around.

We laughed all the time and did alot of crazy things. It was an unforgettable period of my high-school life.

Ofer also has a twin brother named Ariel and we still wounder how can two twins be so different.

Nevertheless, I can safely say that the Shoostak twins are part of a great family.

This spot-light wount be complete of-course without mentioning Mariah of course.

Mariah changed Ofer like no other person did before.

Mariah met Ofer during Yud-Alef's independance day celebrations and from that moment they became one.

Ofer is a unique and amazing person and I have the honor to be his friend.

Ofer Shoostak

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