ANN 2002


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Purim 2002 rocks!. Posted 24/2/2002

Today was the Purim celebration day at school and it was simply amazing!!

It was one of the funniest and greatest days in the Hayovel high-school ever!!

In the Purin day everybody comes with strange and wierd costumes and there is a huge heppening and a costume competition.

This year the costume competition was simply increadible!

A group of 15 students from Yud-Bet 13 dressed as religious orthodox jews and arrived to school with a huge a-team style van only with 'Messiach is coming' posters on it.

They jumped from the car and begun dancing like they never danced before with everyone! - it was simply incradible!

Another group of 8 (male) students from various classes and all the sports teachers at school dressed up as girl-cheerleaders!

They arrived with 'minimal' cheerleader outfeets and also begun dancing!

Me and Samech dressed up as unemployed 'Arsim' from Begir (a factory which was closed lately) - and we begun shouting and picking up on people and we had 2 posters with the text: "Work = Food" and "Begir = Terror".

Also I have to mention the amazing costumes the girls came with. They didn't give alot of space for amagination.

All the students danced and enjoyed every moment of this amazing day!


The Purim vacation begins today!

The Purin vacation is a short 3-day vacation and it's our opportunity to relax and enjoy the amazing celebrations of Purim before school resumes.

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